Lesson Plan for Literature in English SS1
WEEK: ONE DATE: CLASS: SSS 1_________________
SUBJECT: LITERATURE ______________________________________________________
LESSON TITLE: Welcome test and revision of last term work _________________________
SUBTITLE (IF ANY): __________________________________________________________
PERIOD: 1 & 2 DURATION: 80 Minutes___________________
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to; _
- Discuss prose/drama text.
KEY VOCABULARY WORDS: Prose, Africa, Drama, play etc.
RESOURCES & MATERIALS: Round Up Literature in English Senior school Book 1.
BUILDING BACKROUND/CONNECTION TO PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: The students are familiar with Africa drama.
Revise last term work
Students’ Activities:
Activity 1: Learners as a class examine and revise last term work
Activity 2: Learners in small groups discuss the non-Africa drama.
Activity 3: Students in small groups discuss the prose and drama text
- Discuss prose and drama text
The teacher wraps up and concludes the lesson using web summary method and correct any mistake observed during the assessment.
WEEK: TWO DATE: CLASS: SSS 1_________________
SUBJECT: LITERATURE ______________________________________________________
LESSON TITLE: Introduction to African Drama: John Kargbo :Let Me Die Alone__
SUBTITLE (IF ANY): Authorial and Textual background of either play, Plot summary of either play, Setting of either play
PERIOD: 1 & 2 DURATION: 80 Minutes___________________
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to; _
i. identify the type of setting used and relate it to the text.
ii. trace the sequence of the major events in the play
iii. describe the life of the author and relate it to the text
KEY VOCABULARY WORDS: Africa, Drama, play etc.
RESOURCES & MATERIALS: Round Up Literature in English Senior school Book 1.
BUILDING BACKROUND/CONNECTION TO PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: The students are familiar with the African Drama.
“Let Me Die Alone” is a historical drama that captures the life and times of a famous woman leader of the Mende people of Sierra Leone. Madam Yoko lived between 1849-1906. Her original name at birth was Soma and later changed it to Yoko during her initiation as a member of Sande secret cult.
Her first two husbands were Gongoima and Gbenjei. She married Gbanya after the death of Gbenjei who was the chief of Taiama. Gbanya was detained in 1875 by the British colonial officials in Taiamawaro and Yoko went boldly to meet Rowe to seek the release of her husband. Rowe was impressed by Yoko’s action, Gbanya was then flogged and released.
After this incident, Gbanya made Yoko the greatest of his wives, sending her on diplomatic missions. Her membership of Sande women secret cult where she held a leadership position also gave her power in Mende land as a whole.
The play is an impressively powerful tragic play in which the playwright expertly adopts historical materials in the presentation of the life and times of the legendary Madam Yoko, a woman of courage and determination who becomes a chief in Mende tribe and subsequently rises to be one of the most powerful African women in the pre-colonial and colonial era. The play also shows the relationship between the colonial power and the traditional ruler, about political intrigue, rivalry, lust for power, about sacrifice, betrayal loyalty, but above all, it is about the tension that exists in a woman who wishes to be on a par with men and to prove that she can be a capable ruler and the same time wishes at times to fulfill her instincts for motherhood.
Students’ Activities:
Activity 1: Learners identify the type of setting used and relate it to the text.
Activity 2: Learners in small groups trace the sequence of the major events in the play
Activity 3: Learner, as a class, describe the life of the author and relate it to the text
i. identify the type of setting used and relate it to the text.
ii. trace the sequence of the major events in the play
iii. describe the life of the author and relate it to the text
The teacher wraps up and concludes the lesson using web summary method and correct any mistake observed during the assessment.
- Identify the type of setting used and relate it to the text.
- Trace the sequence of the major events in the play
- Describe the life of the author and relate it to the text.
WEEK: THREE DATE: CLASS: SSS 1_________________
SUBJECT: LITERATURE ______________________________________________________
LESSON TITLE: John Kargbo :Let Me Die Alone__ ___________
SUBTITLE (IF ANY): Comprehensive treatment of Act I
PERIOD: 1 & 2 DURATION: 80 Minutes___________________
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to; _
- read the text
- identify some literary terms used in the text
KEY VOCABULARY WORDS: Africa, Drama, play etc.
RESOURCES & MATERIALS: Round Up Literature in English Senior school Book 1.
Reading and Analysis of Act I
Act one scene one
Madam Yoko reminds Gbanya of the promise to pass the chiefdom over to her
The play opens in Gbanya’s bedroom, in the room, there are various fighting paraphernalia such as spears, machetes, and raffia skirts hung on the walls. Gbanya enters pulling his wife Yoko along and she insists that she cannot leave her girls who are seen dancing. “Your girls need you, but your husband needs you now. Of what better use is a woman to a man” (2) Gbanya snaps at her. Suddenly, a knock is heard at the door, behold, a guard enters to announce to Gbanya that a messenger has just arrived and he says the Governor will be here tomorrow. Gbanya begins to panic because the Governor has never visited them. He, therefore, attributes the purpose of his coming to something that has to do with the boys he hired out to John Caulker to fight against his brother. Now he’s troubled because of the dream he had also in the previous night when the Governor came to humiliate him in the eyes of his people. Gbanya therefore vows to welcome him warmly, “I will present him with the greatest of gifts. He will see the most dazzling and gracious of Sande dancers Mende land can boast of, the richest wine and the biggest cattle. Let my murderer know my power before he Snuffs out my life” (3)
Act one scene two
Lamboi persuades Musa to kill Gbanya with poison.
Lamboi, Yoko’s brother, and Musa a seer and medicine man are seen on stage. Musa is vehemently refuting what Lamboi has asked him to do which is eliminating (killing) Gbanya for fear that he might pass the chiefdom to Yoko who is soft and only have music in her ears. “He loves that woman more than the very eyes on his head. I saw him kill a slave with his bare hands because the poor boy wandered into Yoko’s room when the woman was naked” (10) Lamboi reveals. In order to further get Musa to kill Gbanya, Lamboi ask Musa to swear if he had never killed before but Musa insists that he cannot do that since his hands are clean. Lamboi then goes further to divulge some of Musa’s Atrocious deeds, which include: the blood of Yattah’s son and Mama Kadi’s daughter. Those he slaughtered and used for “bofima” are known as a charm used with human parts. As soon as Lamboi threatens to lead Gbanya to the shallow graves of those he buried these people, Musa accepts to carry out the plot. All I want you to do is to kill the chief and help me to prevent the chiefdom from falling into the hands of a woman” (14) Lamboi reminds Musa of the mission. Act one scene two
Lamboi persuades Musa to kill Gbanya with poison.
Lamboi, Yoko’s brother, and Musa a seer and medicine man are seen on stage. Musa is vehemently refuting what Lamboi has asked him to do which is eliminating (killing) Gbanya for fear that he might pass the chiefdom to Yoko who is soft and only have music in her ears. “He loves that woman more than the very eyes on his head. I saw him kill a slave with his bare hands because the poor boy wandered into Yoko’s room when the woman was naked” (10) Lamboi reveals. In order to further get Musa to kill Gbanya, Lamboi ask Musa to swear if he had never killed before but Musa insists that he cannot do that since his hands are clean. Lamboi then goes further to divulge some of Musa’s Atrocious deeds, which include: the blood of Yattah’s son and Mama Kadi’s daughter. Those he slaughtered and used for “bofima” are known as a charm used with human parts. As soon as Lamboi threatens to lead Gbanya to the shallow graves of those he buried these people, Musa accepts to carry out the plot. All I want you to do is to kill the chief and help me to prevent the chiefdom from falling into the hands of a woman” (14) Lamboi reminds Musa of the mission.
Act one Scene three (The Governor’s visit)
In the scene, there is drumming off stage and Gbanya instructs Ndapi, the chief warrior to tell the women to stop the music. He also tells Lavalie to tell his warrior to tell the women to stop the music. He also tells Lavalie to tell his wives to put on their best clothes and tell them to give a beautiful present to the Governor.
Students’ Activities:
Activity 1: Learners, as a class read and summarise the text
Activity 2: Learners in small groups identify some literary terms used in the text.
Activity 3: Learners as a class discuss Let me die alone.
1. read the text
2. identify some literary terms used in the text
The teacher wraps up and concludes the lesson using web summary method and correct any mistake observed during the assessment.
- Read the text
- Identify some literary terms used in the Act
WEEK: FOUR DATE: CLASS: SSS 1________________
SUBJECT: LITERATURE ______________________________________________________
LESSON TITLE: John Kargbo :Let Me Die Alone__ _____________
SUBTITLE (IF ANY): _ Comprehensive treatment of Act II ____
PERIOD: 1 & 2 DURATION: 80 Minutes___________________
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to; _
1. read the text
2. identify some literary terms used in the text
KEY VOCABULARY WORDS: Africa, Drama, play etc.
RESOURCES & MATERIALS: Round Up Literature in English Senior school Book 1.
Act Two Scene One
Lansana visits Jilo, his lover
Lansana who is one of the warriors is seen with Jilo, Ndapi’s wife whom Lansana has been trying to woo. Jilo has made it clear to Lansana that Ndapi could kill him if he finds him in their compound. Jilo admonishes him to go to his wife because she is already married to Ndapi. No sooner had Lansana dragged her into the hut than Ndapi and Lavalie enter from opposite ends. Both Lavalie and Ndapi are carried away with an array of topics for discussion. Their conversations span from Yoko’s intention to go to war, the death, and Gbanya’s funeral. Lavalie opines that the color of chief Gbanya’s corpse is as black as charcoal. Ndapi also implores Lavalie to advise Yoko to forget about the war.” … but I’d rather as a warrior fight to protect my people than engage in a battle to meet the greedy ends of Madam. (32) Ndapi snaps. Both of them leave immediately.
Scene Two
Madam Yoko is worried over the burden of the crown
Significant changes are evident ever since the death of Gbanya, and there is evidence to prove that Madam Yoko has moved her chiefdom from Senehun to Moyamba. In this scene, she is seated with her ladies-in-waiting in attendance.
Scene Three
Lamboi and Musa conspire to kill Jeneba and indict Yoko
Lamboi and Musa are returning from the courtyard. Part of their conversation includes Jilo’s suspected adultery. “Lansana should never have done that Ndapi is his friend. What will his wife say when she hears this?” (47) Musa blames Ndapi.
Scene Four
The messenger showers praise on Yoko
This scene opens and Madam Yoko is seated with the court attendants. Lavalie and Ndapi enter with the Governor’s messenger. Ndapi prostrates and introduces the messenger who goes up, shakes, and kisses Madam Yoko’s hand. He’s been entertained with a bottle of imported jin. The messenger expresses his profound greeting and gratitude for this unprecedented reception accorded him since his arrival in the land.
Students’ Activities:
Activity 1: Learners, as a class read and summarise the text
Activity 2: Learners in small groups identify some literary terms used in the text.
Activity 3: Learners as a class discuss Let me die alone.
1. read the text
2. identify some literary terms used in the text
The teacher wraps up and concludes the lesson using web summary method and correct any mistake observed during the assessment.
1. read the text
2. identify some literary terms used in the text
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