Plants we eat: Vegetables


Lesson Plan on Plants we eat: Vegetables, aims to introduce young learners to the various types of vegetables, their nutritional benefits, and their importance in our daily diets. By engaging students through interactive activities, visual aids, and hands-on experiences, this lesson not only enhances their understanding of healthy eating but also cultivates a sense of curiosity about the natural world.

Basic Science and Technology Lesson Plan on Plants we eat: Vegetables

CLASS: Nursery One

SUBJECT: Basic Science

TERM: Second Term


LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to;

  1. Mention various types of vegetables.
  2. Enumerate some importance of vegetables.

LEARNING RESOURCES: audio visual resources: pictures of vegetables in a market, vegetables, crayons, charts.                                                                                                      



Vegetables are the leaves, stems, roots, or other parts of certain plants that people eat. 

Vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet. They contain water, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. People eat many fresh vegetables raw. They drink the juice of some raw vegetables, especially carrots. People also eat baked, boiled, fried, steamed, and grilled vegetables. They often add vegetables to soups, stews, and casseroles. Most fresh vegetables spoil quickly, but they can be canned or frozen for later use.




 Spinach, lettuce and cabbage are some of the leaves that we eat as vegetables. Vegetables gives you energy, vitamins, anti-oxidants, fibre and water. They help protect you against chronic diseases later in life, including heart disease, stroke and some cancers. A healthy diet means eating plenty of vegetables, plus a wide variety of foods from the other main food groups. Vegetables give your body the ability to fight diseases. Vegetables also help in digestion.



  1. What are vegetables?
  2. Give 6 examples of vegetables.
  3. List three importance of vegetables.


PREVIOUS: Lesson Plan on Plants we eat: Fruit

NEXT: Lesson Plan on Transportation: Land

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