Basic Science and Technology Lesson Plan

Introducing young learners to the world of Basic Science and Technology is a vital step in their educational journey. For Nursery 1 students, typically aged four, this lesson plan focuses on engaging their natural curiosity about the environment and the living things within it. The objective is to foster an understanding of living things, including plants, animals, and humans, through interactive and playful methods. Basic Science and Technology Lesson Plan for Nursery 1

2nd term scheme of work


1- Revision

2- Plants we eat: Fruit

 3- Plants we eat: Vegetable

 4- Transportation: Land

5- Transportation: Air


7- Floating objects

 8- Sinking objects

 9- Sinking and floating

 10&11- Revision

 12&13- Examination



Basic Science and Technology Lesson Plan on Plants we eat: Fruit

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to;

  1. Give simple explanation of fruits.
  2. Mention some importance of fruits in the body.

LEARNING RESOURCES: audio visual resources: different samples of fruits, crayons, flashcards, charts/posters.



Plants play an important role in our diet. Not only are they a healthy part of our meals, providing nutrients, vitamins, minerals, fibre and water, but they are also the base of the entire food web! 


examples of fruits
examples of fruits


A fruit is the part of a flowering plant that contains the seeds. The skin of a fruit may be thin, tough, or hard. Its insides are often sweet and juicy. Fruits develop from a plant’s flowers. Some foods that people call vegetables are actually fruits. For example, cucumbers, squashes, and tomatoes are all fruits. They contain seeds, while true vegetables do not. True vegetables are the stems, leaves, or roots of plants.

Fruits are important sources of fiber and vitamins, especially vitamin C. They contain minerals and a large amount of water.



Names of fruits
Names of fruits


Fruit and vegetables should be an important part of your daily diet. They are naturally good and contain vitamins and minerals that can help to keep you healthy. They can also help protect against some diseases.


  1. What is a fruit?
  2. List 10 examples of fruits.
  3. List the benefits of fruits you know.




Lesson Note on Plants we eat: Vegetables


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