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ToggleCCA exam questions for JSS1 Second term

Section A (answer all questions from this section)
- Informative is one of the function of _____a). Drama b). Music c). Drawing d). Dance.
- The study of cultural and creative art revealed the total way of life of the people. a). True b). False c). Either d). Neither.
- Fine art is a branch of ______a). Literary Arts b). Performing Arts c). Visual Arts d). Dancing Arts.
- ______ is used to clean pencil effects. a). Charcoal b). Crayon c). Eraser d). Pastel.
- Team work is related to ______a). Discipline b). Cooperation c). Worker’s d). Film.
- _______ is the arrangement of sounds that are pleasant to the ear. a). Sounds b). Voices c) Design d). Music.
- The rudiments of music are the musical_____ a). Note b). Alphabet c). Sign d). Concept.
- Time signature in music refers to______ a). Grouping of beats b). Grouping of symbol c)
Grouping of music d). Grouping of signature.
9. How many alphabets of letters represent the musical note. a). 4 b). 7 c). 5 d). 2.
10. Art portfolio is ______a). A container for keeping Art work b). A box for keeping wood. c). A bag for keeping pencils d). A storage for water.
11. The following are example of crafts products EXCEPT ______ a).Textile b) Graphics c).
Basket d). Cane chair.
12. Calabash decoration is an aspect of_____ a). Design b). Textile c). Craft d). Graphics.
13. Basic shape include one of the following. a). Triangle b). Zigzag c). Spiral d). Scroll
14. The materials for leather work is gotten from ______ a). Leave b). Calabash c). Animal skin d). Crude oil.
15. The equal mixture of colour Red and Yellow will give us _______a) Orange b) green c) Violet d) Wine.
16. The components that make up drama include the following EXCEPT ______ a). Music b)
Work c) Plot d) script.
17. The person who write drama scripts is called __________ a). Artist b). Playwright c).
Musician d). Graphics.
18 ______ is the ancient traditional artistic practice a) Blurring b) Art works c) dotism d) Craft works.
19. One of these materials is used in bead making. a) Tape measure b) Wax c) Raffia d) Adze
20 _____ is an aspect of FINE ARTS. a) Textile design b) Painting c) poetry d) Dance.
21 One of this is a Performing art . a) Drama b) Painting c) Poetry d) Ceramic.
22 The first and most important element of art is _______ a) line b) Textile c) Dots d)
23 The word “ARTS” originated from _______ word. a) Latin b) English c) Greek d) America.
24 One of the following an example of craft product. a). Cain chair b) Tie/dye.
c). Knitting. d). Printing
25 One of the following is a set of primary colours. a). Yellow, Red & Blue.
b). White, Black &Yellow. c). Green, Blue & Violet. d). Red , Blue & white
26 Nigerian craft is the type of crafts produced by the people in _____ a) Ghana b) Osun
c) America d) Nigeria.
27 People watching drama presentation are called ____ a) People b) Crew c) Audience
d) Actors.
28 Therapeutic means _______ a) Rejoicing b) Healing c) Drama d) Raffia .
29. Another’s name for life drawing is _____ a) human drawing b) Nature drawing c) Figure
drawing d) Still life drawing.
30. RHYTHM in drama refers to _____ a) The heart of the play b) the sound of music c) The
beginning of the play d) The actress in the drama.
31 Visual art can be classified into____ & ____. a). Textile & Batik b). Painting & Drawing
c). Fine & Applied d). Sculpture & Graphics.
32 A branch of Art that is connected with appealing to man sense of beauty and emotion is
______a) Graphics art b) Applied art c) Fine art d) Literary art
33 An actor is __________ character in a play. a ) Female b ) Male c) Dancer
d) Audience.
34. Basket weaving is the act of using ______ to form an object a) palm fraud b) Raffia
c) Plank d) Clothes.
35 The followings are Basic shapes EXCEPT a). Triangle b) Rectangle c) Spiral d) Square.
36 Informative is one of the function of _____ a). Drama b). Music c). Drawing d) Dance.
37 ______ is the arrangement of sounds that are pleasant to the ear. a). Sounds b). Voices c).
Design d). Music.
38 ________ is any body movement to a musical rhythm a) Sound b) Ruling c) Shading
39 The following are the materials needed for collage EXCEPT a) drum b) gum c) Starch
d) glue
40 A type of drama that ends with a sorrowful mood is called ________ a) Tragedy
b) Comedy c) Musician d) Tragicomedy.
41 What category of people is called artist a) everybody b) Painters and sculpture
c) None of the above d) Creative writers only.
42 Performing art is divided into a) Acting, painting &writing. B) Weaving, printing &
Singing c) Drama, music & dance d) Drama, Knitting & Dance.
43 The art of making assemblage of different object on a flat surface is _______
a) Drawing b) Mosaic c) Collage d) Weaving.
44 ________ is a literary arts. a). Sculpture. b). Painting. c) poetry. d). Dance.
45 Music is classified under _____ art a) Visual b)Music c) Performing d) Group.
46 The following are examples of geometrical shapes EXCEPT a) centerline b) circle
c) square d) rectangle .
47 _________ is a principle of Design/ Arts. A) Colour b) Balance c) Line d) Texture.
48 Craft works are distributed through _____ a) Visual distribution b) Literary works
c) Markets d) vision
49 In Africa, music reflect in all human ________ a). Works b). Activities c).Education
d). All of the above.
50 The word “MUSIC” originated from _______ word. a). Latin b). English c). Greek d).
CCA exam questions Theory
Section B (answer 3 questions only)
1) What is Contemporary Dance?
b) Using a well labeled diagram, explain the branches of visual art.
2) List and explain any three functions of DRAMA
b) Mention four occasions that calls for music making within the African society.
3) What is paper craft
b) Discuss any two elements of Drama.
4) Explain the concept of SENSES OF BELONGING.
b) Highlight any five materials needed for modelling with paper Marche.
5) Define collage.
b) List any two types of collage and three materials needed for collage.
CCA exam questions for JSS2 Second term
Section A (answer all questions from this section)
1) Materials used for tying cloth in tie & dye is called. _____ a).Candle. b).Wax.
c). Gum d) Raffia .
2) Shading with dots is _______ a) Blurring b) Pointillism c) deism d) Jainism.
3) One of these materials is used in bead making a) Fishing Lin b) Wax c) Raffia d) Adze.
4) _______ is a literary arts a) Sculpture b) Painting c) poetry d) Dance.
5) Craft products include all of the following EXCEPT ______ a) Cain chair b) Tie/dye
c) Embroidery d) Drawing.
6) One of the following is a set of primary colours a) Yellow, Red & Blue b) White,
Black &Yellow c) Green, Blue & Violet d) Red , Blue & white.
7) Fine art is best described as _________ a) Mask b) Creation c) Self- expression
d) Have satisfaction.
8) _______ is an event that occur as a preparation for feature life performance a) Performance
b) Dance c) Rehearsal d) Drama.
9) One of the following is NOT a type of dance a) Wavy b) Tradition c) Pure d ) Dance
10) _____ is a literary arts. a). Sculpture. b). Painting. c) poetry. d). Dance.
11) Another name for life drawing is _____ a) human drawing b). Nature drawing c). Figure
drawing d). Still life drawing.
12) The art of making assemblage of different object on a flat surface is _______ a) Drawing
b) Mosaic c) Collage d) Weaving.
13) Line is the combination of______ a) dots b) drawing c) duties d)objects.
14) The first Nigerian trained artist was ______ a) Festus Iduber b ). Pablo Picasso c). Fela
Sowande d) Aina Onabolu.
15) The ‘B’ series pencils are used for a). Sketching b). Ruling c) Drawing & Shading
d). Illustrations.
16) The following are art composers EXCEPT A) Aina Onabolu b) Fela Sowande c) Akin Eube
d)Samuel Akpabot.
17) One of the following is a group of principles of art. a). Dominance & Texture b). Rhythm
& Lines c) Balance & Colour d) Balance &Repetition.
18) Why is it necessary to put on rubber gloves during dyeing exercise. a). To protect the skin
b).To make the cloth absorb dye c). To prevent clothing. d) For quick reaction.
19) Visual art can be classified into____ & ____. a). Textile & Batik b). Painting & Drawing
c). Fine & Applied d) Sculpture & Graphics.
20) The study of cultural and creative art emerge the following EXCEPT _________ a) Drama
b) Creative arts c) Self d) Dance.
21) People involved in craft works are are called. a) Artisan b) Artists c) Artiste d) Craftists.
22) Artist draw still life objects from______ a). Imagination b). Observation c). Memory
23) Basket weaving is the act of using a) Sand b) Raffia c) Plank d) Clothes.
24) The following are classified as craft EXCEPT _______ a) Pottery b). Bead making
c) Painting d). Calabash decoration.
25) One of the following is a popular craft in the northern part of the country a) Abuja b) Leather
works c) Adire d) Calabash carving.
26) Tie and dye is common in one of this areas a) Ikeja b) Abeokuta c) Badagry d) Epe.
27) Stages of Rehearsal include______ a) Reading b)Political c) Jumping d) Writing.
28) Dance is used for one of the following a) Entertainment b) Programming c) Works
d). Tying.
29) One of the following is a craft product. _____ a) Shading b) Tie/dye c) Writing d) Printing.
30) One of the following is a set of secondary colours. a) Yellow, Red & Blue b) White,
Black &Yellow. c). Green, Orange & Violet. d). Red , Blue & white.
31) The study of cultural and creative art revealed _______ of life of the people. a) History
b).Economic status c). the total way d). Neither of the above.
32) APPLIED art is a branch of ______a). Literary Arts b). Performing Arts c). Visual Arts
d). Dancing Arts.
33) _____ can be used in place of pencil for Drawing. a). Charcoal b). Crayon c). Eraser d). Pastel.
34 Craft products include all of the following EXCEPT _________ a). Cain chair b). Tie/dye.
c) Printing d) Basket weaving
35) Fine art is best described as _________ a). Mask. b) Self- expression. c) Have satisfaction.
36) Materials used for tying cloth in tie & dye is called. _________ a). Candle. b). Wax.
c) Raffia d) Rope
37) Another name for the drawing of lifeless object is _____ a) Human drawing b). Nature
drawing c). Figure drawing d) Still Life Drawing
38) In Africa, music is used to organize work activities.
a). True b). Maybe c). Force d). All of the above.
39) Mosaic work are basically for purpose. a) decoration b) Appreciation c) spiritual. d) Festivals
40) Which of the following factors best determine the type of craft in a particular area.
a) The economic need of the country b) Nearest to the city c) Availability of raw materials d) Individual interest and skill.
41) Which of the following is not used as a drawing instrument? a) Charcoal b) squeegee c) Pen
d) Pencil.
42) The type of drama that do not require the use of script is called _____ drama.
a) Scripted b) Dance drama c) Non scripted d) Folk dance.
43) Nature drawing refers to _______a) Drawing of Table b) Drawing of Land c)Plant and
animal drawing d) Person drawing
44) Colour RED to GREEN is ____ colour. A) Adjacent b) Complementary c) Secondary d)Triad.
45) Spring family comprises of four different instrument, State any two.
46) Mention two art composers in Nigeria ______________________and ______________________
47) People involve in CRAFT are called __________
48) The materials for LEATHER is gotten from ___________
49) Explain the them CALARBASH.
50) Another name for REHEARSAL is ____________.
CCA exam questions Theory
Section (answer 3 questions only)
1a. What is CRAFT b) List five Elements and Principles of Arts
2a. Define Rehearsal b) List 5 craft product in your country and their locations.
3) What is a MUSICAL INSTRUMENT b) Explain any three stage involve in REHEARSAL
4) Discuss the concept of Dance. b) list and explain three types of painting.
5) List five (5) art music composers in Nigeria
b) write briefly on any two art music composers mentioned above.
CCA exam questions for JSS3 Second term
Section A (answer all questions from this section)
1) Which of these art materials is in one colour a) Colour b) Crayon c) Charcoal d) Chalk.
2) Motif is _______ a) A unit or singular part of a design b) dominant theme in art. c).
Main colour used in Textile d) Harmony.
3) The most important function of a poster is to ________ a) Show picture on board b) Show
directional c) Communicate some information to the public c) Show direction to
read users d) Advertise shoe & bag.
4) Pots are fired in______ a) an oven b) a furnaces c). a kiln. d). The Kitchen.
5) Which of these elements of art stimulate the sense of touch. a). Line. b). Colour. c).
Form. d). Texture.
6) Drama is a part of performing art that deals with _______ a)Sound and body movement.
b) Sleeping &performing. c). Drumming & dancing d) Drawing & painting.
7) The following are materials for crocheting EXCEPT ________ a). Ball of wool. b) A tape
measure c).Crochet hook d) Caustic soda.
8) Another name for ABSTRACT ART is ________ a). Regular shapes b). Nonrepresentational
shapes c). Geometric shapes d). Nonfigurative shapes.
9) The painting of sea and ocean is known as _________ a). Landscape. b). Ocean scape c)
Seascape. d). River scape.
10) Another name for calligraphy is ____________ a) typeface b). Pen lettering. c). Handwriting.
d). Hieroglyphics.
11) What category of people is called artist a) Everybody b) Painters and sculpture c) Nobody at all
d) Creative writers only.
12) The letters that represent the musical note are _____ a) First 10 letters b) First 4 letters c)
First 7 letters d) First 12 letters
13) A branch of Art that is connected with appealing to man’s sense of beauty and emotion is
______a) Graphics art b) Applied art c)Fine art d) Literary art
14) The following are example of crafts products EXCEPT ______ a) Embroidery b) Drawing c).
Basket d). Cane chair.
15) A large hall where art works are display and sold to the public is called _____ a) Studio b)
Museum c) Gallery d) Market.
16) Educative is one of the function of _____ a). Drama b). Music c). Drawing d). Dance.
17) The study of cultural and creative art deals with . a) Animals b) Teaching c) Painting d) Humans.
18) The early man wrote and drew on ______a ) His palm b). Paper c). Outside his cave d). At the
wall of his cave.
19) Letters can be classified into______ a). Romans and Gothic b). Egyptian and Romans c). Block
and Scripts d). Cap and low.
20) Both capital and small letters are otherwise known as______ respectively. a). Long and short
case b). Oriental and continental c). Upper and lower case d). Bold & narrow.
21) Good spellings is essential in lettering for ________ a). Structure design b). Economy of paper
c). Judicious use of space d) Legibility.
22) The oldest of all Cultural art in Nigeria is ______a). Nok b). Benin c). Ife d). Igbo-ukwu.
23) The method by which fabric are decorated with thread is _______ a). Stitches b). Knitting c)
Embroidery d). Macramé.
24) Which of the following is an example of complementary colour? ______ a). Blue & purple b)
Yellow & purple c). Red& yellow d) Red & purple.
25) A drawing which a human being poses for an artist to draw is called ________ drawing a)
Nature b). Posing c). Life d). Still life.
26) Water colour painting is best rendered with________ a). Marker b). Sable brush c). Painting
brush d). Bristle brush.
27) If one primary colour is mixed with one secondary colour , it forms _______ colour a). Tried
b). Tertiary c). Complementary _d). Monochrome.
28) What material is best in painting? a). Clay. b). Water c). Oil. d). Colour.
29) _______ lettering are drawn or constructed. a). Pen lettering. b). Script lettering d)
Block lettering d) Constructed.
30) The drawing of house utensils is called ______ a). General drawing. b). Still life drawing. c). Nature drawing. d). Life drawing.
31) The arrangement of colour on a chart is called ___________ a). Colour wheel. b) Format. c). Shapes of colour.
d). Sphere.
32) Embroidery is made on __________ a) Drawing board. b) Leather c) Canvas
d) Cloth.
33) The symbol of Sango deity is identified with ______ a) Cutlass. b). Hammer. c). Axe d). Rod.
34) An artist who either models an object or carves wood is called a ________ a). Curator.
b) Sculptor. c) Module. d) Carpenter.
35) An object placed in a way to see the top is _________ a) Below the eye level b) On the eye
level c) Beside the eye level d) Above the eye level.
36) Reading, movement , acting and expression are the activities involved in ______ a)
Playing b) Rehearsal c) Singing d) drama.
37) Which of the following is not a painter’s tool. a). Brush. b). Pallet c) colour. d) Squeegee.
38) Which of the following is associated with BATIK. a) Developer b) Tool c) Thread d)
39) Paper Marche is a medium for _____ a) Sculpture b). Painting. c). Construction. d) Drama.
40) Canvas is mostly used in _______ a) Textile b) Ceramics c) Sculpture d) Painting.
41) Soap stone carvings were discovered in the following towns in Nigeria a) Ekoi and Esie b) Ife
and Benin c) Ibadan and Ogoja d) Lagos and Jos.
42) Nature drawing refers to _______a) Drawing of Table b) Drawing of Land c)Plant and animal
drawing d) Person drawing.
43) The art of Modelling and Carving is known as _______ a) Graphics b) Ceramics c) Drawing
d0 Sculpture.
44) _______ is used to preserve wet clay. a) Basket b) Plate c) Polythene d) Paper.
45) Clay is to sculpture as Chisel is to _______ a) Drawing b) Sculpture c) Painting d) Drama.
46) _____ and _______ are the main types of Perspective. a) Linear and Upper b) Angular
and parallel c) Linear and Arial d) Angular and Horizontal.
47) Carving involves a) Adding b) Chipping and Adding c) Subtracting d) None of the above.
48) The pre-historic people lived in ______ a) House b) Store c) Hot d) cave.
49) The word CRAFT simply means _______ a) Portraite b) Hand work c) Machine product
d)Industrial arts.
50) Ife Art culture is located in ____ state. a)Oyo state b) Osun state c) Ogun state d) Ibadan.
51) Aina Onabolu was born in which year? A) 1890 b) 1882 c) 1950 d) 1960.
52) The earliest form of music was ____ a) Nature base b) Drum base c) Sound base d) Record.
53) Theatre Design is otherwise known as ______ a) Beauty De) sign b) Photo Design c) Scenography Design d) Light Design.
54) _____ is the movement of human body, typically and rhythmic to a musical sound a) Music b) Sound c) Drama d) Dance.
55) Classical music is rooted in a country called ____ a) Egypt b) Rome c) Greece d) Nigeria
56) All of these are the component of colour EXCEPT a) Hue b) Water c) Intensity d) Value.
57) In psychology self control is sometimes called _____ a) Self- regulation b) self confidence c)
Self control d) self evaluation.
58) Which of the following is not a drawing instrument ?a) Charcoal b) squeegee c) Pen d) Pencil.
59) An object placed in a way to see the top is _________ a) Below the eye level b) On the eye
level c) Beside the eye level d) Above the eye level.
60) A large hall where art works are display and sold to the public is called _____ a) Studio b)
Museum c) Gallery d) Market.
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CCA exam questions Theory
Section B (answer 3 questions only)
1) What is Paper Mache
b) Explain the process involved in tie dye.
2) List and explain any two types of motifs.
b) List any five (5) materials needed for knitting and crocheting.
3) Define Art Terminologies ?
b) Discuss any three way of generating income through arts.
4) Construct any 10 ten letters of alphabet.
b) List five contemporary Nigerian Artist with their areas of specialization.
5) Define the concept of Dance.
b) Explain any two activities involved in rehearsal.
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